Journal Entries
Journal entry ending 11/4/20-Leaving for New Mexico

Journal entry ending 11/4/20-Leaving for New Mexico

After staying up all night, I am headed out this morning to pick up my new puppy Bell then headed to New Mexico for a bit. But I am so tired as I stayed up all night watching the election totals. It is a nail bitter.

I want to stop in St. Louis but depending on the election, I rather not be in a populated area if things get ugly. But after that, I want to spend some time training and getting to know my puppy.

She will be with me for most of the time but she will also being staying with my daughter during the hot hot months. Pugs don’t do well with heat. They need the air conditioning and some places don’t allow dogs but with good reason, ie Yellowstone.

In Yellowstone, they allow dogs in a few areas but not other due to wild life concerns. I understand completely but I still want to see them, therefore it would be doggie day care or a vacation with my daughter and a Bull dog as a playmate. She will have the best of both worlds.

I am so excited to see a new area. I drove across New Mexico as a child but we did not stop. It has so many great places to see and hike. It should be a great time.

But I do have to do some laundry in the next few days or buy more clothes. I hate shopping so the laundromat is the next best thing…lol