Journal Entries
Journal Ending 11/2/20-Vote

Journal Ending 11/2/20-Vote

I have been a bit quiet lately. It was because I was having someone redo my website. It ended up looking very very badly, it didn’t work correctly, and even more important, it was not me. So, I had to redo it myself but it put me back a bit with all the wonderful places that I saw last month.

I am working on posting my fabulous trip to the Badlands National Park, Mount Rushmore, Crazy House, and so much more! But I am just a bit tired at the moment from learning how and redoing my website.

In addition, I was building a bed for my van and spending a week at my daughter’s house because I wanted to vote. I am also waiting for a delivery of a Jackery which I will tell you all about later but it will give me the power for the computer in my van.

I made this!!!

October was a rough month but November will be so much better. I will be leaving Pennsylvania and headed to New Mexico. On the way, I am getting a new friend who wants to travel with me. She promises to cuddle up to me every night and take lots of hikes with me.



No matter who you vote for, I will still be your friend! But make sure you vote. It is one of the most important duties of an American that we have. One vote might not make a difference but all those one votes do.

If you don’t vote, then you give up a right that so many of our brave men gave up their lives for. Men like Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr who gave up a spot in the NFL to enlist after 9/11, General Hugh Mercer who died in the American Revolution, Davy Crockett who died at the Battle of the Alamo, Henry Gunther who was the last American to die in WWI, Joseph P Kennedy (JFK’s older brother) who died in WWII, and so many more.

Let us not forget the women who have died. Sally St. Clare who died in the American Revolution, Edith Ayres and Helen Wood both nurses who died in WWI, 2nd Lt. Ruth Gardiner who was a flight nurse who died in WWII, 1st Lt. Ashley White who died in Afghanistan, and so many more.

All these brave men and women listed above plus so many more have given their lives for our freedom to vote. Plus so many more that have made it home but without limbs, that had a hard time getting back into society, and so many others that are haunted about the what they saw and did. They gave us the freedom to vote. Please give them the respect they deserve and vote!

I hear so many people complain about having to take time out of their day. But this is one of the biggest reason that people from other countries want to come to America. We have a voice in our government.

Also, for all of those that don’t like the job that our current Politician’s are doing or feel that their is no one to vote for, then I would highly recommend that you run for office! Or find someone that you would like to run for office and help them run. If we don’t like who is on the ballot then we need to find people that we do like and help them develop a following for the next election in two years and four years down the road.