What You Can’t See At Lake Manatee State Park?

What You Can’t See At Lake Manatee State Park?

The name is deceptive. You would think that you would be able to see Manatees but you can’t. Lake Manatee was dammed up to provide water to Manatees and Sarasota Counties which prevents access to the Manatees. But the park is still a great place to visit.

It might not have Manatees but as I was walking around, I saw lots of different birds, a turtle who was miffed at me for seeing him as he quickly showed me his back side as he raced into the brush.

The lake is the parks best point.

In the background, you can see the dam that now blocks the Manatees entrance.

The trails tend to be nice and wide. But as the sun beats down, it can be very hot on the trails. Take water even on a not so hot day!

But the lake is a great place to take a dip afterwards or a nice ride on a boat for fishing.

The crystal blue is just the right color to bring out your lust for a playing in it.

The park itself is not the most exciting park with history or other things because it was built in 1960’s but a day with family and friends will make this the place to be! Or a slow day of fishing without anyone is just the ticket!