The Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption in Iowa

The Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption in Iowa

The Shrine Grotto of the Redemption is just breathtaking. The definition of a grotto is a small picturesque cave which is usually artificial in a park or garden. But when I hear grotto, all I image is the Playboy Mansion but this one was built by Father Paul Matthias Dobberstein with very different thoughts about the uses of his Grotto in West Bend, Iowa.

Even just looking at it across the lake that was hand dug by Father Dobberstein you can tell that you are going to a religious experience.

Looking back at the parking lot, they have RV and tent sites for those who want to visit.

Father Dobberstein spent his life traveling and sending gems, shells, rocks, and other items to Iowa that created his Grotto.

A railroad was even created to bring them to the area.

The detail and placement of each element is fantastic. I was at the Grotto on an overcast day and it was incredible but on a sunny day it would be amazing.

The Grotto is in the middle of no where but it is worth the trip.

Each area brings a new treat to the eye.

The walkways are covered with items that take time to see. It is not a simple walk, it takes time to see everything.

Each formation is different but built for the glory of god.

The Shrine has several Grottos.

The one that is off on it’s own in the courtyard is wonderful.

I can’t get over all the rose quartz because it is my favorite stone even over diamonds and other more expensive stones.

Paradise Lost is my favorite area. It is open Grotto area but it was the place that I looked back on all the Paradises that I have lost over the years!

Those times that you have family and friends around you but don’t realize that you are in paradise until years later.

When you go, make sure that you look up.

The detail is so perfect. It is amazing that one man created this!

A separate item is in front of the church which has it’s own charm.

The Grotto has a cross at the top.

Climbing to the top allows you to get different views of the Grotto.

The crystals are also wonderful but the rose quartz is still my favorite.

The Grotto have lots of staircases that are also littered with quartz, crystals, gems, and other of the Father’s artwork.

If you are ever driving through Idaho, love gems/crystals/shells, extreme artwork, are religious, and/or just want to see a place that was built out of love and devotion; the Grotto is worth a visit.

The pictures do not do this place the justice that it deserves. Plan to spend several hours or even several days to find so many different pieces of art. But the place is a wonderland for us that loves artwork and the materials that make this Grotto.

Brief History

The Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption was the creation and idea of one Roman Catholic Priest which depicts scenes from the life of Jesus. It is the world’s largest grotto and most complete man-made collection of minerals, fossils, shells, and petrification in one place. The Grotto is valued at over four million dollars and has over 100,000 visitors per year.

Father Dobberstein was critically ill and promised to build a shrine to the Virgin Mary if she helped him recover. He recovered and started construction of the Grotto in 1912 and he worked on it for over 40 years until his death. The only help that he received in building it came in 1946, when Father Greving began to help him. (Note: Father Dobberstein was 74 year old at the time he started getting help.)

In chatting with someone that was at the site, I also heard tells of how the Father Dobberstein was a trickster. But how could he not be when he got a train line built to bring in his material from his trips around the world. In addition, all the donations for the materials that he used. This is a story that should be heard by the world!

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The only book that I have found on the place is the Grotto Father. I did not have a chance to get a copy but this is one of those places that should be revisited in by someone to make a movie about. It created the Grotto movement in the United States but more importantly, it is a wonderful story about a man who’s faith created a Shrine in the middle of no where that brings over 100,000 visitor a year.