How to Spray Paint at Cadillac Ranch Plus Cadillac RV Park

Cadillac Ranch allows you to spray paint the Cadillacs at the ranch. Every morning, a gentleman appears with spray paint for sale at the gate. The vehicles were part of an art project in 1974 but they change all the time as people add their touch to it. They will be repainted here and there for different things such as […]

Who would make a Palace of Corn? South Dakota!

The Corn Palace is the only Palace left of the over 30 Grain Palaces built in between 1887 and 1930, by cities looking to promote themselves and their products across the Midwest. The Corn Palace draws over half a million people a year from around the world. Built original in 1892, it was rebuilt several time until 1921 which is […]

Get Free Ice Water at Wall Drug Store!

Since 1936, Wall Drug Store has had road signs up welcoming travelers to stop for “Free Ice Water” for miles before you arrive. For cold days, they also still have coffee for 5 cent a cup! It is such a great advertisement campaign that the you look forward to stopping in Wall, South Dakota to visit their little Drug Store. […]