Who would make a Palace of Corn? South Dakota!

The Corn Palace is the only Palace left of the over 30 Grain Palaces built in between 1887 and 1930, by cities looking to promote themselves and their products across the Midwest. The Corn Palace draws over half a million people a year from around the world. Built original in 1892, it was rebuilt several time until 1921 which is […]

Fall in Love at Falls Park in Sioux Falls, SD

Falls Park is a great place to spend a day and fall in love with the place. They have everything that you can possible want to do and the relaxing sounds and the beauty of the falls. Downstream from the falls just a bit is where they believe that the Dubuque house which was the local hotel around 1857 when […]

The Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption in Iowa

The Shrine Grotto of the Redemption is just breathtaking. The definition of a grotto is a small picturesque cave which is usually artificial in a park or garden. But when I hear grotto, all I image is the Playboy Mansion but this one was built by Father Paul Matthias Dobberstein with very different thoughts about the uses of his Grotto […]

See Buffalo Bill Museum and take a River Cruise

I was just driving along on my way back from the Badland National Park and I saw a sign along the highway, Buffalo Bill’s Museum. That was all it took to get me to stop. It was about 9ish and museums general open between ten and noon most places and most days. Coming off the highway was perfect as the […]

Walk in the Footstep of Crazy Horse-Crazy Horse Memorial

Crazy Horse Memorial is an incredible testament to two men’s dream, Chief Henry Standing Bear and Korczak Ziolkowski. The memorial is being has been a slow build with just the money brought in by donations and other small funding. Korczak had been offered large donations during his lifetime but he never excepted them. The Memorial is being build on a […]