The Road to the Loneliest Outpost Fort Cooper State Park

In 1823, the Cove of the Withlacoochee was once give to the Seminole Indians in the Treaty of Moultrie Creek. The agreement required that they give up farms and cattle ranches that they had worked and move. The Seminole Indians were partly, Native American that had lived in Florida and partly runaway slaves which had joined the Native Americans. Five […]

How to Spend a Weekend at Kingdom Come State Park!

Spending a weekend at Kingdom Come State Park is full of fun, relaxation, breathtaking views, heart stopping uphill and downhill drives, family fun, hiking, and/or an escape from the real world. Being on top of the world and look down on the valley. I loved watching the fog between the valley each day. As it burns off, it revels the […]

Swatara State Park,What you must have if you go!

Swatara State Park is beautiful but without a good pair of hiking shoes, a horse, a canoe, or a bike; then you will have a hard time enjoying this park. The park is filled with wonderful trails for mountain bikers… The Swatara Rail Trail for hikers, bikers, and horse riders. The trails all through the park including a water trail. […]