Journal Entries
Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, And The Badlands-Journal October 2020

Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, And The Badlands-Journal October 2020

October 7, 2020

Today started with a question.  The question was where to go!  I started with Walmart to get plastic bin drawers, but they did not have them.  But I got a bit of food, therefore, one less stop later.  But I could not think where I wanted to go for the next two to three weeks.  The timeline before I must get back and help my daughter get some house repairs done. 

So, I ended up at Denny’s for breakfast.  I have not done that in years!  I think that I was at Denny’s was when I saw that man the last time.  How do you break up with someone and every time you leave the house, there he is there?  But it worked out, I was with a date that had helped me get some bookshelves together.  Thankfully, I showered and changed before I left the house.

He fell apart.  It took his friend like 20 minutes to get him out of the bathroom and into the car.  I guess I was to stay at home and not date after I left him.  Yeah, that was going to happen.  But I could not have had a more perfect time to see an ex for the first time after a breakup.  But enough about the past, it is the future that is important.

Over breakfast, I came up with a place.  Mount Rushmore.  But this is slow going.  Trying to quit smoking has given me a fat lip from biting it instead of the gum and a new habit.  Chewing gum! 

I stopped in Ohio for a new laptop.  They were so nice to get it done within a few hours and not make me wait for the next day.

I saw the smallest church in Ohio.  It was cute as hell!  The Healing Church.  It is across from a rest stop.  But I am just moving slowly today.  I stopped at another rest stop to have lunch.  This guy was yelling about something political.  He was either a politician or a lawyer practicing a speech.  Or a mental ill person that needs his drugs, a diabetic that needed some food, or something.  It was entertaining after the brief moment of do I need to lock my van doors. 

I was going to sleep for a bit at a rest stop but I just was not tired.  A nice older couple was in the car down the way.  Nice little dog.  But since I could not sleep.  I started back on the road.  But of course, my pressure indicator light went on about 5 miles from a gas station. 

The truck behind me was being an ass.  As traffic was one lane due to road work.  Did he think that I was joking with the emergency flashers on?  If the light had not come on yesterday, I would have been even more freaked out.  He just keeps tailgating and putting his high beams on like it was going to make me go faster.  I had to try and relax and drive.  Plus I slowed down just a bit more.

I arrived at Love’s gas station.  The gentleman was very nice about allowing me to stay until morning so that I could drive to the tire shop which was 20 miles or 45 min away but I have a warranty with them.  So tomorrow I will see if the light goes off with some air and drive to them.  If not, either get a tow or find the closest one to me.  But tonight, after a nice long shower it is bedtime which is a wonderful thing after a wonderful shower.

October 8, 2020

Sitting at the mechanics and something about a wheel barring but all I see in just under $500 dollars.  But I highly recommend Midas.  The workers are wonderful with great personalities and getting down to the issue at hand.  But it is also time away from getting to Mount Rushmore and not seeing anything along the way!

But what was very cool was seeing the old Midas commercials on their Midas station.  It was a blast from the past.  It is amazing how they started with mufflers being the main thing that they did and grow.  But these days, you must have emissions test yearly, so you don’t see the mufflers of the past going down the street. 

About noon, I wanted to have lunch and found this nice little park to spend a bit of time at.  Shades State Park.  It had everything that I love! Waterfalls, trails, covered bridges, and history.  Shades got its name a long time ago.  It was believed to have been a place that Native American might have fought but in the 1800’s, it also had three murders committed within the park.  A woman that killed her husband and a son that kill his father and another family member.  The woman was acquitted but the son died trying to get away.  But more about that when I write up the blog post about it.  The park was a wonderful way to spend a few hours. 

The park was in Indiana, but I never realized how flat it was.  Only it is flat with corn and other crop fields but with outcroppings of forest areas.  The land that is being used for farming was once mossy land that was reclaimed.  The work that had to go into reclaim the land most have been massive.

I drove through Illinois but all I saw was stars and the dark of night as I really am struggling with wanting to stop everywhere and see everything but wanting to get to Mount Rushmore before the weather changes.

October 9, 2020

I was up early the morning.  I drove by Buffalo Bill’s Museum, but it was too early for it to be open.  But I did get to take a nice walk at Herbert Hoover’s National Park.  Hoover was one of those President’s that was the wrong President to have in office at the wrong time.  He was President when the Great Depression started and although he did start some programs to try and jump start the economy, it was not enough to get it going again.  He became the scapegoat for the Great Depression, but he was also the man of his time. But more about him later.

I have made it to George Wyth State Park for lunch, a bit of a hike, and to rest for a bit.  This park is beautiful and so is Iowa.

I stopped at Blue Mount State Park in Missouri.  It was beautiful.  I took a long walk up a trail to see the Buffalo but after 2 miles, I finally found them but they were so far off that I could not get a good picture, but Eagle Rock and this rock formation that was made by humans was pretty cool. 

But the Quarry for the rocks was a bit scary.  I am not into heights, but something is making it worst.  Something happened in the last year that has me weirded out about how high things are.  The rocks around the park were pink.  Of course, I started the hike way to late and the darkness fell.  I almost did not make it back to the van before it got dark. 

The sky was all the colors and it is the way that I wanted my living room ceiling to be painted.  I need to win the lottery to get that custom done but until then I shall dream on.  It is at that time the sunset when the night takes over and the colors just keep changing. The view was overwhelming and put me in a mood of great expectations of what will happen next!!!!

Thankfully, I had already found my site for the night.  They have Wi-Fi at the park so for the first time in forever I was on the internet.  But what do I do!  I am watching Netflix because season 4 came out for the Good Place.  I really enjoyed it.

I tried to sleep but this generator was overbearingly loud which is interesting because I can sleep at a truck stop without an issue but at a campgrounds the generator was killing me. 

October 10, 2020

I am not sure where the time went! I was only 5 hours plus a bit when I woke up to Mount Rushmore but I did not make it.  I did go to the Corn Palace, a Native Village that is being dug up for about a month each year during the summer, and several rests stop with lovely things on them.  But on the side of the road for about 200 miles the expectation was that I was going to make it to Wall Drug.  I did but that was at about 11 pm so they were closed. 

I missed dinner.  I stopped at a Subway, but the girl kept getting the bread wrong.  I mean how many times do you have to say Italian Herbs and Cheese Bread to get Italian Herbs and Cheese Bread.  She kept saying so do you want a 6 inch or a foot long on that Italian Bread.  About the fourth time, she finally got it. 

But I had real concerned about what she would put or not put on my sandwich then with stuff coming out of her nose, I just said never mind and walked out.  I had two Oreo cookies instead which is not the best dinner.

I missed a real lunch as well.  The bread had mold on it, so it was nachos without cheese.  I must get to a grocery store first thing tomorrow.  I am not into starving but I also realized that I am on the West Coast.  I am going to Mexican and see if I can get a cheese enchilada made the right way.  I miss those!  My favorite food just is not made right on the East Coast.

I got to the Badlands at dark but at least I can see it first thing tomorrow as I am at a rest stop just down the way.  Or just a bit more down the way is Mount Rushmore.  I will have to do both just which one first.

October 11, 2020 8:30am

This morning I woke up at a rest stop just below Wall, SD.  I am at Wall Drug store having breakfast, i.e. a pecan roll.  But the store itself is fabulous.  The artwork is incredible.  The Tiffany lamps even better.  But the day started with going to Badland National Park to find that it was $25 just to drive in and I am looking for an annual pass but the ranger station did not have anyone.

Just before entering the park, I saw a buffalo having a bit of breakfast.  As I was driving back to Wall, I saw a fox running along the highway.  It was wonderful to began my morning with.  It reminded me why I wanted travel. 

It is not the big things that matter but the little things.  To see nature on the run and standing still not in a zoo but in their natural habitat.  I am not so wild about finding a snake or the no-see-ums that were biting me the other day but you must take the good with the bad.

I also realize that with so many beautiful things that I need to stop and write about them as I go to ensure that I keep my memories fresh.  Things like the smell of the ground or the air only stays with you for so long.  i.e. this morning, I could smell a burning smell but I don’t remember much about it now.


I just left Mount Rushmore and found free camping just behind the heads at a trailhead.  It is a nice parking lot with a bathroom so totally score.  Tonight it will drop to 30 degrees.  Not really the night to do it.  Plus, the wind has been so bad that I thought that I was going to lose my glasses or even my phone all day.

I will also know what it feels like in the van a 30 degrees and plan accordingly for the future.  It was one of the reasons that I was looking at coming West so quickly.  I know the weather was about to change and the report was good for the 10 days. 

Tomorrow the temperatures are back up to the 70s.  It is just one night.  If I get very very cold, I can always head down the hill and get a room.  They have a lot of them just 10 minutes away and even more 25 minutes away.  Tomorrow would be a good morning to sleep in.

Today was not a bad day.  But yesterday, the Badlands were beautiful but the wind was just too much.  Just getting out to take a few pictures was scary.  At one point, I could not even get my car door open the wind was blowing so hard.  At another point, I almost lost my door as the wind blow it but lucky, I got it before it bent. 

Taking the Bad Lands Loop, everyone stopped along the road to check out some goats but I had to put my glasses in my jacket pocket to ensure that they did not go anywhere, i.e. like down the hill and busted into a million pieces. 

At the next place I saw a goat, I got out but a could not get back into the van for a bit because of the wind.  Tomorrow, I want to go back and hike around and take more pictures but it was just too dangerous today.

So, I started from Wall to Mount Rushmore.  I found a Mexican Restaurant with great street tacos but the enchiladas were better than I have had but not enough sauce on top for my liking.  Then on to Mount Rushmore. 

Mount Rushmore is magnificent but at the same time, it is just big!!!!  It was neat to look at but the view down the valley was better.  It reminded me of home, i.e. California.  The Presidential trail was nice but when I first arrived the wind was blowing icy cold and I had to buy gloves and a hat.  Yeah, that was a bit costly, i.e. $25, but knowing me, I will lose them before I wear them again.

It was an enjoyable day.

October 13, 2020

This sucks!  I wrote an entry and it didn’t save.  So, we will have to start all over again.  Lol

Yesterday, I woke up overlooking the mountains.  It was a beautiful view but my phone did not take a great picture with the low light.  I need an actual camera!  But waking up in nature was just pure joy, if not a bit cold out.

I realize that I need to get new clothing.  Most of the things that I have are those that are left from all the stuff I gave away.  But all the work clothes would not have worked for what I am doing at the moment.  But all I have left are the things that I wear on the hiking trail and those that I used running around the house, i.e. tees, sweats, shorts, and thing which are all covered in paint.  A few nice items but they like to be hung up so they don’t work while traveling.

I spent most of my day yesterday at the Crazy Horse!  I love this place.  This will be a wonderful post once I get time to write it up but I have an issue there as I am working on my website and I have not posted anything for over a week.

It was Native American Day, so it was the perfect day to go.  I did not see everything but I was tried and I will need to go back every few years to watch the progress. It is not a once in a lifetime trip but a trip to see the progress every few years.

One man’s dream that he put everything he had into.  It was a wonderful dream with an outcome that will take generations to achieve but it is the perfect way for a Native American project. It allows generations to work on it and tell the tell behind it.

It was closed because I was an early bird.  So, I went down to Custer and found a Fort for my morning walk.  I love finding interesting places.  Custer, the town, was great too.  I went back down after Crazy Horse and got Mexican food.  Not the best.  I also found a wonderful rock shop and spent both some time and money in it.

The website person that is working on this site doesn’t understands what needs to happen.  He keeps sending me to find things to work on my website.  He is the professional but I do not think that his skills are up to the task.  The colors are the worst!  The site only looks nice on the phone or a large screen but they suck for half screens. 

It is just so many things that are wrong.  A few things that are right but I think that he works best with people that are professionals who don’t change or add things very often.  I asked him to put in a map of the United States but he sending me to find the app to add to the site.  I don’t think that should be my job.  I think he just does not know enough to do my site.

I just very frustrated with the process but I think that even the theme is wrong.  So, I have to deal with that today!  The joy of firing someone.  Not going to be my favorite thing.  Plus I am out $450!  I am just bleeding money.

I got a hotel room to get all my posting up to date but that did not work out so I am out another $55. But I meet a nice girl that needs accounting help and I think that I will be able to get her to the next level of accounting.  She sounds a lot like me and I think that she is looking for a new path.  I will be coming back to the area in the spring to help her learn Quickbooks and set up her mates Quickbooks for his company, if she gets back to me.

I woke up in a hotel room this morning, I wanted to get started on my day but I am doing some house cleaning and getting my stuff together and working on my blog.  But soon, I will be back out.  I believe it is the Badlands today.  The other day, the wind was so bad that I did not want to run around it which I am thankful that I left. 

On the radio, there was a report of a gentleman in his late 30s that fell down a cliff.  It did not say what his condition was but honestly, those cliffs are no joke!  The wind was very bad so I am not surprised that someone got hurt.  If I couldn’t open my van door with one of the gusts, then it would not be hard to believe that a gust would send someone over the edge.

But the wind is down today, so I want to see the place and take a hike around the area.  Then it is time to go back towards Pittsburgh.  I go back about once a month to help a family member with shopping.

October 13, 2020 6:20 pm

As I was driving through Keystone, South Dakoda, I saw a sign about Carrie Ingalls Museum.  I stopped and walked around Keystone for a bit.  They have a walking tour.  I walked it.  It was a nice little walk. But most of the stuff was closed for the season.  I want to come back in May and see more.  I want to follow the Ingalls trail as that was one of my favorite books series of all time.

The Black Hills were just like being home in California.  PA and West Virginia are so beautiful, and I love them but South Dakoda reminds me of the California Mountains.  You go up into them and you can see the valleys below.

I also got to see an Eagle today.  It was so far off but there was no mistaking the white head.  It was in the Black Hills near a lake.  The lake had a bit of history to it.  The town of Sheridan which was started in 1875 when gold was found but it was engulfed by water in 1942 when Sheridan Lake created by a dam.  The area produced a half of a million dollars in gold and also timber was taken out of the forest.

I started towards Badlands but I picked the wrong entrance.  The Native area of the Badlands is off limits to anyone but locals as Covid19 is ripping through their community.  But it was at least a 2 hour mistake.  I didn’t get to the Badlands area until just after 5 pm. 

So, I went to the store and got some food and choose a camping spot less than a half mile from the gate.  Only issue is that as I was driving in from Wall, the radio announced that tomorrow starting at 6:30 am the wind could be very bad until late into the evening.  I might just miss the Badlands all together as far as hiking around. 

I really wanted to take a bit of a hike but not in the wind.  It is just too dangerous from the wind knocking you over the side of the cliffs to flying sand to rocks falling down the cliffs from above.  I will just have to enjoy another ride through the park.  But even that is inspirational.

October 14, 2020 7pm

It was a great day at Badlands National Park.  It started with Buffalo crossing the road before I even got to the gate.  One buffalo was just off the road so you could see him/her scratching against one thing and then I parked past the gate and got out.  I was watching the Buffalo but then I saw prairie dogs.  Or they saw me.

After a bit, I drove on just to have to wait for several more Buffalo to cross the road.  They did so only about a car length ahead of me.  The sign said, slippery when wet but I think that it should have said, Buffalo Crossing.  But all three of the Buffalo used the sign to scratch before they would cross the street.  It was like it was their morning cup of coffee on their daily walk. 

As a drove farther into the park, I went left to Prairie Dog Town.  The road was a bit rough, but it was worth it.  Buffalo everywhere!!!!   Plus, as you arrived at Prairie Dog Town, you could see all the little Prairie dogs.  After parking, I went for a walk with them.  Boy are they noisy and they tell everyone else that you have arrived.  But they did not go into their holes until you got about three to five feet away.

The rest of the day was all about hiking.  I did the Fossil, Prairie Grass, Door, and Window trails.  Plus a few other small hikes here and there.  The whole park was amazing.  I also saw a bunch of goats throughout the day. 

When I was finally ready to leave about 3 ish, I was going to go to the Minuteman Site but they close at 4pm so I just made it for a few minutes.  But as I was leaving the park, I saw two things.  A Prairie House which is just outside of the park but it was closed for the season and a store that said you could feed the Prairie dogs. 

I went back to the store and put two dollars into the box then I opened the place that they have the food but there was not any food left.  I was a bit upset.  But I still got to see a few. As I was in the parking area, the wind picked up and the sky got very dark. 

Things started flying around in the air, i.e. dirt, dust, small objects that were not locked down.  I thought it might be a twister, I know silly California Girl!  So, I went back towards Badland National Park and stopped in a trailhead parking area just before the Park.  It started to rain and the wind was still blowing but it was blue skies in the Park, so I drove back in. 

I was trying to plan my next move and that wind did it for me.  The weather report said that it was going to be 40 miles per hour and have gust of up to 65 miles per hour until at least 6 pm.  Yeah, I did not want to be on the highway with all the trucks with those numbers.  So, I drove back through the park and enjoyed the sights for the third time and took more pics. 

But I also got some great ones of the blackened sky over the hills.  At sundown, I got some really great shots.  More goat alongside of the road.  I actually got out of my car not for the goats but for this wonderful rainbow that was descending from a dark cloud on top of a mountain. 

Breathtaking!  I was also in the area that I was going to camp again.  I thought it might be a sign.  Or not, lol.  But when I turned around, one of the goats was headed straight for me.  So, a quick picture and I move quickly back to the van. 

He kept his eye on me but walked past me with his group of two others and a baby.  It was a bit of a frightening but at the same time, I was always far enough away and gave him the space that he wanted. 

But I tell you what when a goat is giving you the stink eye and walking less than a lane away from your van, it is a bit frightening.  I did not think that he could hurt me but I also did not want to have to call another mechanic to fix my van.  I also did not want to hurt the goat if I needed to drive off.

I got to my camping site just before dark.  It is not too far from the one last night.  But I am very tired for some reason.  I am thinking the wind last night had me up a most of the night.  The wind is still at 20 miles per hours and I am on top of a cliff overlooking the Badlands. 

I wish that I had gotten the same spot from last night.  It was more in a valley not on top of a hill.  But the weather report shows that the wind will be going down about 2 miles per hour for the next two hours and then about one mile per hour until more when it will be 7 miles per hour.

Last night, I was afraid that I would be pushed off the cliff the wind was so strong.  I moved to a more valley spot across the road.  But I was stuck where I was.  I could not possibly drive in the dark.  The cliffs here go down about 300 feet or more and that would be a bad mistake to make.  But I can feel the wind dying down a bit.  It is just the gusts that get me.  It is like being rocked to sleep on a hammock and someone gives it a big swing too…


October 16, 2020

 I choose to have my website backed up from before the web guy worked on it.  The product was so bad.  But I start working on a mockup of what I wanted.  I think that he did very little and know too little to really help me. 

This morning, I woke up to the beautiful sight of the badlands and went to do laundry but they did not have a bathroom or big washers for my blankets.  So I went to go feed the prairie dogs if they had food.  The truth is that the early bird does not get the prairie dogs. 

They refused to come out of the holes and have breakfast for me.  But it was cold so I don’t blame them.  Plus they are fat and know that they will be getting food any time they want it because tourist are always around.

So, I went to the Minuteman museum, the headquarters, and the launch site.  I watched a lot of the films but mostly I just want to cry.  So, much time and money and fear that went on during that time.  It was totally a waste of energy to fight for that long.  But without a larger enemy, we are turning in on ourselves.  Shame that history must repeat itself over and over again.

After the missile site, I went back to the prairie dog place.  It was wonderful!  They were out and about.  One got awfully close to me and had his little peanut.  I got some great pictures and videos. 

It made me feel better.  But I notice that prairie dogs are just squirrels without fluffy tails and live underground and not in trees which makes sense because they don’t have a lot of trees on the prairie.

It reminded me why I wanted to travel.  It is not the big things but the small ones that make this journey worth it.  Like, I want a shower and I don’t have excess unless I rent a hotel room but I have to find a truck stop gas station today. Getting back to Pittsburgh is the goal as it will be snowing and getting very cold very shortly.

I also had my first meat other than pig, cow, lamb, turkey, and chicken.  I had a buffalo burger.  It was hard but I always told my children to try something before they said no.  Yeah, I am don’t think that I will do that again.  It really was not that great.

I did not find a shower today but it is a must tomorrow!

October 16, 2020

Yeah, I still did not find a shower but I washed up a bit with wipes but not the same thing.  I almost wish it was a hot summer day so that I could just park somewhere and get my hair washed with the water that I have in the van.

But the day started great.  I went to Falls Park.  It was magnificent.  Everywhere you go is yet another great view of the falls.  From the left side to the right to the front to the tower.  Each area had a different and wonderful take on the falls.  I also loved all the pinkish red rocks that were everywhere.  

The tower was kinda cool as it gave you an overview of all the falls but it left me unimpressed as it was an overview but missed the details of the power of the water and the spraying mist from the falls.  Or walking on the pinkish rocks at the top of the larger part of the falls.

The Falls Park was also great with art and history littered throughout.  The Buffalo statue was my favorite but there are so many more that are very good as well.  In addition, the Queen City with the Hive which was the heart of the city with the Queen Bee Mill being built and operated.  The only problem was that it either did not have enough water or flour to produce enough to keep it open but more about that later.

The Falls Park also has a wonderful museum on it.  The museum called the Stockyards Experience.  The museum goes through the production process of the food of the area to getting it through to the supermarket.  Run on donations, this is a great experience.  The museum has many of the people that worked in the Stockyards tell their stories of different topics. 

The story that I liked the best was the one that a guy asked one of the people who worked in the industry, why he had a ranch because after all he could just go do to the store and get some milk.  It is one of those moments that you know the difference between a city boy and a country boy.  It helps confirm that we need to teach our children where are food comes from and why wasting it creates issue past just the cost to get more. 

After the park, I drove to the Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption.  It was breath taking.  The priest that created it was sick and promised to make a shrine should he get well.  The shrine was astonishing. 

I was talking with the one of the caretakers about him.  He told me about how the Priest traveled the world to get the rocks, petrified wood, crystals, shell, gemstones, and all kinds of materials to build it.  A railroad was actually built to being in the items.  He was an artist!  But more about that later.

The camping area next the shrine was closed so I started driving towards Lincoln birthplace which was 6 plus hours away.  But I was also looking for a shower and a laundromat.  The GPS got me to what should have been a laundromat but it is now a Casino.  I guess the person still wanted to deal with coin operated machines but went another way. (Eye Roll)  I was very frustrated. 

So, I drove on but all I really wanted was clean bedding and clean body at the same time.  But it is bedtime now.

October 17, 2020

This morning, I woke up and I just wanted a shower.  I did not care about the laundry anymore.  I did find a place to shower at the largest Truck Stop in the World but did not feel like it was the right place for me so I keep going. 

Then I saw Buffalo Bill’s Museum sign on the road.  It was a place that I had wanted to stop on the way to the Badlands but I skipped because it was so early in the morning and I did not want to wait.  But it worked out.  I arrived in time to take a cruise down the Mississippi!  I bought a book at the museum first about Buffalo Bill to keep me company on the boat.

The ride was so enjoyable.  I had my sea legs and was able to get a seat on the third deck and read a bit and watch the river towns go by.  I also got a cup of coffee which I remember why I don’t drink coffee.  I am so high on the caffeine and the amount of sweeteners that I need to drink the coffee.  I feel that I can do anything. 

Walking around the boat took me back my memories of riding on the Alaskan State Ferry.  I did that in my 20’s several times.  I remember the waves being so bad on one of the trips that almost everyone on board was sick. 

But I was not sick at all.  I was in the bar when it started and enjoyed the rocking and rolling of the boat plus the three Long Island Ice Teas that I had.  In addition to walking around it during the storm.  It reminds me of surfing but with a bigger board. 

After the boat ride, I spend some time in the Buffalo Bill Museum.  He was born here in LeClaire, Iowa.  The museum had things about him but it was so much more as it also houses memorabilia from the inventory of the “Black Box”, Lincoln’s desk, a whole riverboat which you can walk through, the history of LeClaire, Native American artifacts, toys from the past, a stuff Buffalo, a laundry through time exhibit, and so many things that your eyes and mind are working overtime to take it all in.    

What was even better was that I saw a laundromat as I entered the town.  I am currently doing laundry and writing this.  It is a small laundromat but people come in drop their things in the washer or drier and leave then come back. 

I don’t see them sitting in their cars but actually driving away so this must be a very safe area where you don’t have to guard your things.  But as the drier are complete, I must go and do housekeeping.  But it is amazing how fast it gets done when you are only doing your things and not a household full of items.

October 17, 2020 about 10pm

My tires looked low and the light had gone on last night for the air pressure.  So, I called Josh at Midas that had looked at them before.  But of course, that was 2 hours in the opposite direction in Cedar Falls, Iowa.  I put some air into the tires and headed back. 

It was too late to get a camping spot so I got a hotel for two days because of course it is Saturday night and I could not get back before the shop closed.  Plus the shop is closed Sunday.  But I found a nice room for 2 nights for just under $105 dollars. 

But I also need to work on my website.  So, it is what it is.  2 day to rest! Plus a shower.  Also a shopping center is all around which includes across the street Mexican with Long Islands, I hope.  I was going to go over this evening but I am too tired to go. 

I am not sure if I will leave the room or not tomorrow.  I have to see what is around and see.  I might just use the time to get my website up and rest.  I have been on the go for weeks now without a rest.  I need to relax for a bit.

October 24, 2020

After a bit of rest, I was back on the road and head Pittsburgh.  I stopped and saw a bunch of things about Lincoln, stayed in a hotel because I arrived late.  I was headed to St Loius but my relative called and I started back to her house. 

Stopping once in a small town with a jail that went round to lock people in and the author of Ben Her.  I am listening to Ben Her as I drive and going back to Pittsburgh.

In Pittsburgh, I will go shopping and do a bit of house cleaning.  Plus find a guy to fix up my relatives place.  Or at least get an estimate.  But perfect timing to be inside as it is raining cats and dogs today.