Journal Entries
Journal ending 8/9/20-Sleeping with the Prince Charming

Journal ending 8/9/20-Sleeping with the Prince Charming


Tonight I’m sleeping in my van and I have toads outside. It’s been a wonderful day and to have them nearer is just me even more fabulous. When I first heard them I was worried. I thought it might be a big animal out there. Boy are they loud.

Today’s has been one of those just wonderful days. I got to see a jail, a few state parks, and so many other fabulous things. Now the only question is is what will I see tomorrow.


Last night, sucked as the campers next to me were very loud. I thought someone was hurt but she was not hurt. It is one of those things.

But the day was great as I was running around and doing all kinds of things in PA State Parks including visiting Bedford County Covered Bridges, the Appalachian Trail Museum at PA Pine Grove Furnace State Park, a hike to the top of the hill to look down on Pine Grove Furnace State Park and Michaux State Forest, and more.

On top of the world.

It was a wild weekend of so much history and so much driving, i.e. 750 miles from Friday morning to Sunday getting back to Pittsburgh.

I wish it was cooler out so I could have hiked more!!!! But at 90 degree plus weather, it was just to hot and humid to run around after 10 am for more then a short hike.