How to take a Dam Walk at Painted Creek State Park

How to take a Dam Walk at Painted Creek State Park

I love Painted Creek State Park. It is just so beautiful and it has two different Dams that I was able to see. I stayed the night because it was getting to dark to take photos. It really was lovely.

The largest Dam has two places to park and walk to it. I just did the parking are closest to the flood gates. You can’t cross the flood area but on the other side you want walk on the earth dam part.

The area would have mills along it through during early settlers history but most small dams would be washed away during flooding. The spill way is so large but the dam was build in 1974 as a flood prevention.

The other dam, photo on the top, has this great little walk to go right up to it.

The creek that is following down from the dam makes a nice little waterway to enjoy while you are taking the dam hike.

The other dam is missive but this one is just so cute!

The rocks on your side remind you how small you are in the reality of the world as the soft flow of water from the creek hums you in to a peaceful place. The sign of the birds are all around….

The wild life is all around. Totally cool deer that just watch you! But careful driving, they don’t seem to care that you are around.

The lake has so many different areas that it just take your breath away and makes you want to see more.

I stayed the night and enjoyed every moment of my time. I highly recommend making a reservation and enjoy the lake for several days.