How to Spend the Day with the Jolly Green Giant in Blue Earth, Minnesota

How to Spend the Day with the Jolly Green Giant in Blue Earth, Minnesota

Driving along going from Pittsburgh to the Badlands, I saw a sign that said Blue Earth. I wanted to stop but I was in a hurry to get to the Badlands before the winter descend on the land. But an other sign got me to stop.

The golden dedication for I-90 at the Blue Earth Rest Area. I stopped and found out that Blue Earth had a Giant Green Man in town and I could not help myself. I had to turn back and visit for the day!

The museum was closed when I went by but this was not a museum day for me. But everything that I did do was a great outdoor vacation. If you have a pet, they are welcome in the visitor museum on a leash on their best behavior.

The Jolly Green Giant is 8,000 pounds with a 48 inch smile at 55.5 feet tall and wears a size 78 shoe. He also has a few steps so that you can take your picture between his shoes. Plus littered around town are Little Sprout Statues but I will come back to that later.

The Faribault County Fair Grounds are just to the right of him which offers History Lane.

History Lane includes West Delavan Lutheran Church, Krosch Log Cabin, Woodland School, Guckeen Post Office, an Antique Machinery Shed, and a Blacksmith Shop. Generally, open Tuesday to Saturday between 10 am to 6pm but it was closed due when I was there. But I looked through the windows and it was very cool.

In the fair grounds is offering a few camp sites with showers available. In addition, they have a few camp sites along the Blue Earth River for $25 per night with electric but with WiFi. Call City Hall for reservations at (507) 526-7336. A great way to socially distance and still visit the area.

In town, drive by the Faribault County Court House. It is a wonderful building. They allow people to tour prior to Covid19 during normal working hours. Three museums available in town the Green Museum plus James B. Wakefield House and Etta C. Ross Museum which hold information about Faribault County. (I did not visit as it was a non Museum Day for me.)

The town also has 15 different Little Sprout Statues which take you to very cool places. If you look to the right of this one…

…then you will find this really cool church. The Good Shepherd Episcopal Church built in 1872. It was the first stained glass windowed church in Minnesota.

In addition, this stained glass is Swiss made and the pews are original wooden peg construction. The glass is so much better in person because the sunlight was clouded over.

I love this guy! He is at the airport which after WWII, trained about 150 students in the GI Flight Training Program. It was the “flyingest” city in the state.

If you want a nice social distant lunch, then hit the Ceder Inn drive in diner. They bring it to your car or seating outside but they are only open in the spring to fall.

This Little Sprout is outside the local pool and water park. A great place to play in the summer!

Check out all the Little Sprouts as a nice way of learning the area. A few are downtown which has some great shopping and dinners. But most you have to drive too. Such as the one at John Deer which is right next to the I-90 highway.

Blue Earth is just a great place to spend the day and enjoy a bit of small town life with social distancing travel with two trails are right in town, Unity Trail (2.86 miles) and Little River Trail. Plus Pihis Park and Woods Lake are near with camping, boating, fishing, swimming ponds, trails, and more. I dare you to find a better place to avoid people while on a Little Sprout hunt and a big Jolly Green Giant photo opportunity!