How to see Ohio from a Settlers Point of view at Barkcamp State Park

How to see Ohio from a Settlers Point of view at Barkcamp State Park

Barkcamp State Park is one of the few places that still show how Ohio’s original forest would have looked before European Settlers arrived. Excluding the dam and lake that is. The park has keep it’s natural beauty through the year.

Although, the park has mowed down the trails walking areas, the rest of the park area is all about keeping it looking as it did when Native Americans ruled the area. These lands where once inhabited by the Moundbuilders, the Delaware, Wyandot, and Shawnee Tribes.

The added lake for flood prevention is an added bonus of the park.

With a wonderful beach to beat the summer heat, fish, and/or boat. This places is a wonderful family retreat in the summer.

The park also host several hike areas including over 24 miles of bridle trails for equestrians. Equestrian’s will also love the horse wash area and parking for their trailers at a number of trailheads.

The park also has lots of picnic areas which are far apart from others and allows families to enjoy their own space when they are visiting.

Most of the hiking is on farly even ground but they do have a few other areas which can be a bit more of a challenge.

But also checkout the Antique Barn with summer programs. Plus near the barn is a large boulder with a carving from Lewis Wetzel, who was a celebrated Indian fighter.

I enjoyed visiting this park but it was during the time that I hurt my ankle so I did not get to do as much as I wanted when I was here. But I did get to relax next to the lake. The birds and other wildlife was nice to listen to and watch along the side of the lake.

Brief History

The area of Barkcamp State Park was the scene of bloodiest conflicts between the settlers and the Native Americans. Lewis Wetzel was one of the Indian fighters who came through the area. Lewis was born in Pennsylvania but was raised outside of Fort Henry in West Virginia.

At 13, Lewis and his younger brother, Jacob, where held as prisoners by the Wyandot tribe. Lewis was shot before his capture but the Native Americans were able to stop the bleeding. Lewis and his brother were able to escape two days later. During a canoeing hunting trip, Lewis would lose both his father, a Jacob, and his other brother Martin was shoot. He vowed revenge on Native Americans.

Lewis is most famous for working on his own and traveling light. His guerrilla warfare became famous but it would also serve as his down fall. In 1788, he ambushed Seneca Chief Tegunteh, known as George Washington among American soldiers. Before the Chief died he was able to identify his attacker.

Lewis admitted to the deed and ran off. He was later captured but escaped. But was captured again and held in prison Fort Washington (Cincinnati). A 200 man mob led by Simon Kenton brought his release. But he would go into the history pages as legend except for this deed.

Legend says that he was asked by Lewis and Clark on one of their expeditions but he would have also known Danial Boone as he was a close friend of his brother Martin. To learn more, I have a few books that I have found on him and he sounds like a very interesting character.

This book is also in the public domain and free to read here, you just have to sign up. But it is a bit harder to read but it is FREE!

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