How to Find Christmas Rock State Nature Preserve

How to Find Christmas Rock State Nature Preserve

Christmas Rock Nature Preserve is a wonderful little place to take a hike but finding the trailhead is a bit more interesting then most. The drive to the trail is on city streets but they are a bit rough and narrow in places. The parking area is down the hill and about the first 1/4 mile is actually walking up to the trail.

Before you start or after you finish, try and spend a few moments at the Arney Run Park which is next to the parking area to see the Mink Hollow Covered Bridge. It is a nice little covered bridge on the left.

The trail starts with going up this little street that is to the left of the covered bridge. There is no parking at the top but it is possible to drop off or pick up gear or people, if needed.

But the little hike up to the trail is beautiful in itself! Watch for the locals coming down the hill. They go a bit fast!

The trailhead has a wonderful sign to welcome you! Just down the way their is a trail map. Take a picture before you head out to far.

The trail starts with a nice wide road…

but goes slims down as you go down the way a bit. I did not go to far down the trail as I was still healing up from my ankle being hurt but this was a great trail from about 3/4 of a mile in.

Lots of interesting things on the trail to see.

The nature preserve has 4.5 miles of trail. I feel that I did not get to see enough but I also know better then push myself to far.

But the sights that I did see where a outstanding.