How to Find a Piece of Heave on Earth at Pike Lake State Park

How to Find a Piece of Heave on Earth at Pike Lake State Park

I was here back in September. Something about this place brought me complete peace. It was an overwhelming feeling of wellness.

I took a walk across the dam. On the other side of the dam is a little camp store.

Across from the dam is a great little beach with lifeguards in the summer. Down from the dam is a camp grounds plus for those that don’t camp, they have cabins with everything you could need.

In order to get to the beach, you have to cross this enchanted bridge because the beach is on an island.

The island beach has grass on the one side and sand on the other.

The creek that fills the lake was low but it has a little hike that goes next to it. But what really go to me about the place was that it had a smell to it that was indescribable but felt like it triggered an inter peace.

Brief History

During the Civil War, “Morgan’s Raiders” came near this area. This would be the only area that the Confederacy entered Ohio. At around the same time frame, the family who farmed this valley found a Union soldier who was wounded in their field.

The family helped the soldier but he never regained conciseness. The unknown soldier was given a headstone below the dam to mark the grave of this soldier.

I only wonder, if he is the reason so I felt so at peace. Or was this a place of the mound builders of the area worshipped around 800 B.C. Something about this place brings Heaven on Earth to me.

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John Hunt Morgan has long been looked at and admired for his daring raids. He was caught but escaped several months later. But was that Union soldier wounded by his raiders? It is one of those questions from history, we will never know