Appalachian Trail
How To Do The Approach Trail For The Appalachian Trail

How To Do The Approach Trail For The Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail starts at Springer Mountain but most people start at Amicalola Falls State Park. Why add 8 plus miles on to your hike? The classic photo under the stone arch, ATC’s Thru Hiker Orientation Class (Free by the way), get a shakedown of your pack before your friends and family leave and they can take things home for you, register for the trail, weigh your pack, after the 604 wooden steps you might change your mind, save money taking a shuttle to Springer Mountain, plus you get to say goodbye to your family and friends, and in my case Olive Oil at the spectacular Amicalola Falls.

Olive Oil was not OK with me saying goodbye!

For me, it was leaving Olive Oil at the last possible moment. I did not want to leave her but because she is a pug and so little, she would not be able to keep up with me. It was the saddest moment. I miss her nightly and her snoring! It is nice when someone is snoring in camp!!!! I actually sleep well!

Going into the visitor center to register was a let down because the AT Trail Conservancy was gone as I arrived just after 3pm. It is best to start earlier in the day. But my daughter had to get home so I did what I needed to do. I registered at the desk and was 1494 for the 2021 season.

The Arches are behind the building but even for those that are starting at Springer Mountain, this is your first stop! I just can’t believe that I made it to the trail. But the Approach Trail is one of the hardest things that I have done so far! It is difficult!

About a week before I arrived, the stairs at the base of the Amicalola waterfall were damaged by a major storm. I so wanted to walk up the waterfall. I will have to come back but the side trail to the right was a nice hike up to the lodge and the Amicalola Falls top.

The top of the side trail is just wonderful. Looking down was great.

Off to the right at the top is the Waterfall. But these are the stairs that I should have gone up. I am not sure why not hiking up 400 plus stairs but I feel that I missed something!

The view down the waterfall which is the highest in North America east of the Mississippi is just draw dropping!

The trail has wonderful views while you walk through the wonderland of the hills above and valleys below.

For those who want a bit of the trail experience but not the full treatment. The Hike Inn is along the way. You actually have to hike to the inn and hike back out. They don’t have any vehicles or roads of any kind that go to the Inn.

Stay at or by the Black Gap Shelter as it is the last before you hit the AT trail! But it is also the source of reliable water on the approach trail! In addition, it is a great way to meet people that could become you tramily (trail family)!

But most importantly, before your friends and family leave the area. The approach trail is the place to find out that you don’t want to do this and get a ride home. This part of the trail is very steep and not very nice as far as water goes. Take a lot more then you think that you would need for eight miles because you will need it. It is like they actually made this trail hard to get people to turn back.

Note: there is camping along the way if you get tired. But no water sources. Take lots of pictures as this is a beautiful bit of trail but it is not for the faint at heart.