Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail
Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 36 ish to Almost 44-Garrett to Rockwood

Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 36 ish to Almost 44-Garrett to Rockwood

The trail from Garrett to Rockwood has the Casselman River following even when you can’t see it through the Greenery. June has so much greenery that you can’t see down to the Casselman River.

But the upside of this area is waterfalls, cool rocks walls, camping areas, bed and breakfast at Rockwood near the trail, and lots of great views.

The down side for me was 2 snakes. One alive and one not so much. But I also got to move a toad from the trail to the side so he did not get run over and he was nice looking. Plus saw a deer and her two fawns. Some bugs and other little things.

36 ish to 37-Garrett Parking Area, Rock Walls, Water Stop, & Brant’s River Access

The start of the trail is at the Garrett Parking Area. There is food in this town but it is a few blocks away. But it has everything that you can need to get started or keep going after a rest, i.e. bathroom, water, and tools for your bikes.

The tunnel is just over a little road but it is a great place to hide in a rain storm which happens a lot in the summer but usually only for a short time and it goes away.

Through the tunnel and some greenery but also a few cool rock walls.

It also had some dripping water coming off from the earlier rain storms.

Around the corner…

Their seems to be a bit of water or other items that are put out with a place for donations. But with Covid19, I am guessing it is missing at the moment.

The down the path to the right.

But wait…Look for bunnies.

Of course, some rocks that kinda look like…lol

At the end of the bend, a glimpse of the Casselmen River.

A bit of a straight away but great views…

Of Casselman River.

This is the parking area for the Brant’s River Access. Nice area to park and get to the Casselman River and try the rapids or enjoy the day at the river.

The road is a bit open and sharing with someone but I did not see anyone on it other then bikes and hikers.

But some really cool trees.

And rock and trees together.

Another little straight away.

Mile 37 marker.

Mile 37-Bunnies, Waterfall, Rock Walls, & Casselman River Views

The bunny was just right at the marker sign.

The trail leads to the left.

And a bit more to the left.

And a bit more to the left….lol almost a horseshoe.

A bit of a straight away.

All the while with the Casselman River to your right. It sounds wonderful but hard to see through the trees.

Then a turn to the right.

With a few pretty little white flowers.

A bit more to the right.

More views of the river.

But just near the end of the turn to the right.

This wonderful little waterfall.

On the other side of the trail, the waterfall goes down to the Casselman River.

A bit more to the right.

Wonderful views of the Casselman River.

Wonderful rock walls and just look at all the layers of time.

A bit of a straight away…

With rock walls all most all the way to the mile marker.

All the trees that are growing through on the rock wall is wonderful to look out.

A bit of a turn to the left.

The mile 38 marker.

Mile 38-A Little Creek, A Snake, A Toad, and A Rock Wall

The trail starts with a bit of a straight away.

With a bit of a turn to the left.

Back to a bit of a straight away with the river on the right of you.

The woods are nice and the smell in wonderful.

It is a bit of a bend to left but it actually have this great straight away that just straight until you reach the dark spot.

Then you have a little bench which any time you see a bench on the trail, you should stop. 7 out of 10 times. It has something to see only some times the greenery in the summer months covers it. lol.

This one has a bit of a waterfall in a stream that is moving down hill on the left.

On the right side, the stream keeps going down the hill.

This is a day of a lot of straight a ways.

A bit of waterfall but it is hard to see except between the leafs.

Looking down is very important while on the trail. I almost stepped on this little guy. He looked like a stick from far away. I hate snakes!!!!

This was a nice place to sit but nothing to look at but the forest, i.e. it is the 3 out of 10 places that don’t really have a reason.

While you can hear the river, you can’t always see it very well with the greenery.

A toad was also in the road and he just sat there while I was taking pictures of him.

A few mossy rocks laying around.

Another bit of a straight away through the rocky side on the left.

The Casselman River on the right and just a smooth rolling of water.

In person, there is a bit of water dripping down the green rocks.

There is a bit of a waterfall laying behind the leafs on the rocks.

The trail turns to the left a bit.

The rock walls are just so cool.

As you round the corner, you can see the mile marker but…

It looks like eyes looking out at you….

The Mile 39 Marker.

Mile 39-A Bitty Stream, A Moth, A Stream, A Mossy Log, and River Views

The trail turns a bit to the left with a mountain on the other side of the river.

And a bit more but trees are a beautiful.

A bit of a straight away but you keep going to the left.

As the rock walls drop away this lovely bit of forest is below.

The mountains are across the way is impressive as well.

A bit more to the left.

So I am thinking that this a horseshoe turn.

The stream comes downhill and is almost a little waterfall in places.

The other side goes down to the Casselman River which is on your right side for most of this section of the trail.

A bit of a straight away opens up.

On nice days, you have little moths that fly on to the trail and around.

The woods are very lovely in this area.

Along the way, you have a bench to rest on.

A bit of a turn back to the right.

A bit of a stream going down to the Casselman River.

The Casselman River is great to look at but the camera picks up all the leafs.

A bit more to the right.

A bit of a straight away and another turn to the right.

A better look of the Casselman River.

A really cool log with moss all over it.

The Mile 40 marker.

Mile 40-River Views, Wasp Nest, and A Butterfly

Mile 40 starts with a bit of a straight away that turns just to the right.

But it is such a mild turn that you almost don’t realize that you are turning.

More like a straight way with a curve.

But the mountain views across the way and wonderfully green.

But mainly a straight shot for most of this mile.

I am not sure I like the trail as much when it is just straight because you know what you are getting. But with turns a new possibility opens up at every turn.

But the Casselman River views are great. You can see the bottom in most areas and the rocks on the river bed.

At the end of the straight away, you get a bit of a turn to the left.

Another straight away but with a nice picnic area.

But always look up and around before you sit down. This one has a little nest.

But look what was in the grass next to it.

At the end of the straight away, a little turn to the right.

A bit of a straight away, but look…

Towards Cumberland.

Mile 41 marker appears.

Mile 41-A Red Spider, Casselman River Views, A Few Streams, Spooky Tree Trunk, and Rock Walls

The mile starts with a bit of a straight away.

Little red spiders are around the trail. This one has a spider wing.

The Casselman River is just beautiful.

A nice little stream comes down the mountain.

This is just spooky. What nature can do!!!!!

A long straight away comes next.

Another bit of a stream.

It looks like a marker post from a distance but this is actually a camera to count walker, hikers, and bikers.

The trail goes to the left but little rock walls are just showing up on this section of the GAP Trail.

The walls are not very big but nice looking.

The trail has a bit of left turn ahead.

Totally cool trees and the Casselman River below.

Another straight away.

And half way down is the Mile 42 marker.

Mile 42-A Snake, Casselman River Views, and Weeping Rock Walls

After the mile marker, the trail goes into a bit of a turn to the left.

Watch of snakes. This one looked like a stick.

It looks like a tunnel head but it is…

…just a mountain full of trees so think that the sunlight almost does get through.

The Casselman River is viewable through the trees.

A nice place to rest for a bit.

Watch the Casselman River go by…

A bit of a straight away with a turn to the left.

A bit of a weeping wall, if you can get past the trees.

Just a nice little walk to the right with the smell of the outdoors.

A bit of a straight away.

Great Casselman River views.

The Mile 43 marker.

Mile 43-Rusty Haven Campgrounds, Rock Wall, Weeping Rock Walls, Rockwood Parking Area, a Bike Shop, Bed & Breakfast, and a Gas Station, Bar and, Restaurant

The trail goes to the left a bit.

A bit of the electric company is on the side of the trail.

But it give a great view of the wild flowers and the Casselman River.

Then a bit of a turn to the left.

A bit more to the left.

As you come around the corner…

The Rockwood Parking area…

The Husky Haven Campgrounds which includes hot showers, wood, and wifi for the price of $15 per person.

A guest house is available for $50 per person. The guest house include all the camping plus a pool table, bike wash/tools, and other items.

The trail opens up a bit but the side rock walls are amazing.

I love Rock Walls!!!!

A few piece of art work are in the area.

The first parking area.

The second parking area is across the street but both bikes, people, and cars.

This little creek is to the right on the way down.

Right off the trail is a Bed & Breakfast

A Bike Shop with supplies, snacks, bike rentals, and repairs.

A cross the bridge is a gas station with a bar and restarant. The little store has cheese and meats available in small sizes for trail traveler, i.e. a slice or two at very reasonable prices. Plus other snacks, can goods, etc. Not a grocery store selection but really wonderful if you need something for the camp grounds.

This is a great place to watch the trail and the river.

Along the trail for a bit, these are littered around the trail. It is just a nice place to change.

I love the train.

The trail office has bottled water available for a $1 and they feed, take carry of, and rehome the local stray kittens.

I arrived early so I think that their was about 8 kittens around.