Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail
Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 24 ish to 28 ish-Deal to Sand Patch

Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 24 ish to 28 ish-Deal to Sand Patch

Deal to Sand Patch is just a very flat little walk. Both Deal and Sand Patch are just parking areas. This bit of trail has a lot of little bridges, a few farms, some rock walls, and a few animals.

Deal marks 1/6 of the trail is complete but also the end of the large elevations uphill. The E. Continental Divide was the highest point at 2,392 feet. Frostburg was 1,832 feet which is a 560 feet change. Cumberland was 620 feet. The total change in elevation in this 25 miles was 1,772 feet.

If you are hiking this park or out of shape or starting to bike, then look at starting the train in Deal and going down to Cumberland then getting dropped back off at Deal the next day.

Mile 24 ish to 25-Deal

Deal has a great place to rest for a bit with a bike repair kit area, bathroom, and picnic area.

But Deal does not have anything around it that I saw.

The trail follows this short fence and a turn to the right.

Then a dip to the right.

And you arrive at Mile 25 marker.

Mile 25-Bunnies, A little bit of Water, and a Kitty Cat.

To start my walk, I found this little guy on the trail.

To Cumberland

On my way back to the vehicle, I found this guy on the side of the trail.

And this cat who was very upset about me messing up his kill…lol

The trail follows this fence for a bit to the left.

On the side of the trail is a bit of a stream going by…

By you hit the end of the fence, you can just make out the next mile marker.

The trail is just a straight shot to the mile marker.

But it feels like a long mile because it is so straight with the first turn being at the mile marker.

The Mile 26 marker.

Mile 26-Flaugherty Creek, Warrens Mill, and Rock Walls

As you walk past the mark and turn to the right a bit, you get another straight away.

And over a bridge but it still a straight away.

Flaugherty Creek…

There is an old bridge that never was taken down but rather slowly rotting away.

To another straight away.

But the woods on the sides are very pretty.

The straight away opens to a bit of a clearing and Warrens Mill parking area.

The walls start to climb on the side of the trail.

The Warrens Mill parking area has a bench to rest on but that is about it.

Then you have to share the road with anyone coming into the parking area.

Across the street is a bit more parking and the trail become once again only for bikes and hikers.

They have a few benches to sit on but it is a very nice place to relax.

The creek is just beautiful and the water is so clear that you can see the refection of the trees in it.

The straight away has a bit of a curve to it and it is very pretty.

The trees start to get a bit greener for some reason or at least it feels like it.

It is just a joyful day with the trail going to right.

The breeze was so nice to cold off the warm June day.

The trail just slowly goes to the right with the green being so green.

Then opens up with a bit of grass on both sides.

A bit of a turn to the left.

Another bridge with a creek.

Down stream.

The waters is just so clear.

As you cross the bridge…

To Cumberland

At bit of a rock wall valley.

And the Mile 27 marker.

Mile 27-Creek, Cows, and Rock Walls

As the rock walls disappear, the trail opens up to a nice opening.

The woods are so nice and pretty.

But then you have the this nice little bit of trail with a turn to the left.

And they just keep going to the left.

With nice little ferns on the side.

I enjoyed the picnic bench and a nice relaxing bottle of water.

Another little bridge.

Up stream.
Down stream.

The creek is just pretty. If you look for a bit you might even see a few fish.

But look down, you never know what you will find.

The rock walls come back for a turn.

The clinging trees that have used their roots to break into the rock walls.

A little skip to the right.

A bit of a straight away.

A skip to the left.

A little farm with a few little cows which are a bit on the thin side.

An other bridge.

A cow that like watching people cross the bridge.

Down Stream.

It lovely in the pictures but even better in person.

A bit of an open trail that goes to the left.

These lovely rocks are just incredible.

A bit to the left again.

A nice straight away.

Half way down is the Mile 28 marker.

A bit of 28-Sand Patch Parking Area

On the side, they have a bit of a creek to see.

Sand Patch parking area. Not much but parking.