Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail
Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 117 ish to 120 Plus-Sutersville to Buena Vista

Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 117 ish to 120 Plus-Sutersville to Buena Vista

Sutersville to Buena Vista is mostly through neighborhoods but one part has the greatest thing around, the Red Waterfall. It was the Red Waterfall that got me to hike the whole Great Allegheny Passage Trail. I was looking for a waterfall to see just before Covid19 hit. I found this one.

No one was on the trail the day I went but me and a person walking their dog. So, after two months of being home except for going out every two weeks to get food. I was looking for a place to get some exercise. The local park and my street was so crowded that I had to find a place that was close to home and had less people on it.

I remember the Red Waterfall and how few people where on it. So, I went back and just keep going back and suddenly, I was driving all the way to Cumberland, MD to get to the start of the trail. This was a great way to have a goal and to get some exercise in.

Mile 117 ish to 118-Sutersville-Just across the Street

The Sutersville Parking Area is a great place to park for a day trip. For those of you that are riding through, about a 100 yards away is ice cream, snacks, and plus bar and grill behind it.

The Mile 118 marker is just across the street…

But check out the run that is going down. Very pretty!!!

Mile 118-Finney Run and another Unnamed Run

Finney Run is nice. If you look down, then it has little fishes in it. The trail goes through a little neighborhood…

The red color is from the old mine waste.

The mile 119 marker.

Mile 119-Little Waterfall, Red Waterfall, Red Runs, Monongahela River, Rock Walls, Jenning’s Run, and a church

This mile has lots of little waterfalls off to the side.

The Red Waterfall.

The runs are all red in this area.

The industrial age has left its mark on this part of the trail. But it is beautiful.

The Monongahela River swallows up the red mud and turns it into the brownish green.

The mile has wonderful rock walls!

Jenning’s Run is almost nothing after the Red Waterfall!!!

This wonderful looking church is along side of the trail such beautiful blue windows.

Mile 120 marker.

Mile 120-Baseball Field, Store, Boyd’s Run, and the Buena Vista Trail Access parking area

Now this is a place to watch the children play! The view as you watch the game!!!

This is a great little store to pick up a few things before trailing on for the day plus it is just off the trail. The Trail View Convenience Store.

Boyd’s Run is just behind the store.

This church is very cool and just along the side of the trail.

A nice little creek but I did not get the name.

The parking area also has places to fish and a bit of a park for the locals.