Travel Tips
Getting out and being Social Distant…Hiking can be your best Bet

Getting out and being Social Distant…Hiking can be your best Bet

You can only stay in the house so long before you feel like your in a prison. Especially, if you with your loved ones. But some times it is even worst if you live alone. After several weeks of being in the house, I finally could not take it any more.

Shopping every two weeks was just not enough to keep me from bouncing off the wall. But I also wanted to ensure that I was safe and those around me.

Less then 20 mins from me

So, I am hiking. I stay within an hours drive of my house. I also use the bathroom before I leave because bathrooms are not open at most places and even if they are, not that safe.

I also take snacks and water with me. Therefore, I don’t have to stop any where except for the gas station when I hit under a half a tank.

I fill up close to home when I do and take a shower when I get home. I also disinfect my shoes when I get home because that carries a lot of germs.

How to find a place to Hike

I love waterfalls. Therefore, I throw ‘Waterfalls near me’ in my Google maps and I find them close to me. This way, I am always finding new places to visit which are close to me.

I have also used ‘Hikes near me’ and ‘Parks near me’. I use my imagination to find something new to do.

Less then 30 mins from me

A friend of mine was telling me that there were no waterfalls near him. I throw it into the complete and found several within an hour or less from were he lived and believe it or not, he is just outside a major city.

Also, if check for hiking books for the area that you are in.

Keep your mask, scarfs, or other face gear with you at all times.

Why Hike?

Hiking is a wonderful activity. It keeps you fit. It exercises your body and your mind. Hiking can also reduce stress. I am losing weight as well by just hiking around.

I am also sleeping better because I am completely exhausted at the end of the day. The next day, I always feel tired but have more energy.

The key is that you are moving forward. I study that I read said that if you walk when you are stressed out or have an issue, it makes you feel better because you are moving forward. I can’t remember the whole thing because I read it a long time ago. I feel less stressed out now that I am hiking at least a few times a week.

What can you see?

I have been seeing all kinds of things and they have been great. Check out my pictures below on places that are within an hour of me.

Email me so pictures that you have found near your house at

A little bird
Less then an hour away from me
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