6 Great Aquariums with Live Cameras

Being suck in the house has created a new data search for me. What can I do Virtually? Live cameras are the key. So, I am looking at visiting Aquariums. I really love looking at some fish but I believe that I like turtles, jelly fish, sting rays, otters, sharks, and frogs the best. So, I am in search of […]

15 Zoos from My Virtual Vacation of Zoos

I want to go out and play but as the Coronavirus is also out and about, I am staying home. Therefore, I am doing a virtual vacation of animal watching on Zoo Cams. I am sure that zoo keepers are exempt from lock downs as they have so many to care for besides themselves. But if you have a few […]

The Earliest Spring in 124 years

The equinox marks the official start of the spring season. This year it is taking place on March 19, 2020 at 11:50 pm Eastern Standard Time in the Northern Hemisphere. As a tradition, we celebrate the first day of spring on March 21, but the astronomers are saying the the true date this year is March 19, which is the […]