How To Get Schooled At Tayamentasachta: A Center for Environmental Studies

How To Get Schooled At Tayamentasachta: A Center for Environmental Studies

The Tayamentasachta: A Center for Environmental Studies is owned and operated by the Greencastle-Antrim School District. The Center is located next to Middle School and used to provide practice experiences and educational resources for students and the community.

The path at the creek goes directly to the school and is used by students and teachers for environmental studies classes.

The farm was in disrepair when the School District bought it back in 1966 but the garden is now in working condition as a class room for students and the community.

The garden has a working greenhouse and just a beautiful layout.

Across the way, they have a large barn which was built in 1849 but was rebuilt after it burnt down in 1876. It currently displays the tools and machinery of the early American era and has areas for large group activities.

The Log Cabin is newer as it was a project for the 8th grade which took 10 years to complete. It was part of the Cumberland Life Festival project but I think that it was a wonderful learning experience for the students.

The main house on the property is large enough for offices and other activities for the center.

Behind the house is this wonderful pizza oven, lol. But this would be the old door kitchen in the old days.

The property also has a pond with fish and all.

The Center also has a great trail plus a large of picnic area for locals and traveler to come and spend the day. It has a great playground area as well but I did not get a picture as a lot of people were in the area and I don’t take pictures of those I don’t know. But it looked like a great child’s birthday party going on.

The property also has a few farm animals running around.

Plus lots of wild animals like these bunnies! I kinda just stumbled on the place when I was in Franklin Country, PA. If you are in the area, it is a great place to visit. But it is more of a day trip then a weekend thing.