How to get Spooked at Rockbridge State Nature Preserve

How to get Spooked at Rockbridge State Nature Preserve

Rockbridge State Nature Preserve is just down the way from Hocking Hills State Park and a great place to get away from the crowds. It has 2.8 miles of hiking trails but the Natural Rock Bridge is the main thing to see but getting there is full of surprises.

The trail is nice and inviting at first with wild flowers all around. It feels like an English county lane.

But then it changes and you have to watch for the tree roots and love to reach up and grab you! Tripping is a large liability on the 1.75 mile loop to the natural bridge.

Screaming trees are all around and squirrels dart to and from as you travel down the trail.

This guy was all yelling at me and defending his territory or was he warning me about a horrible fate that awaited me? He would climb a bit, turn around and squawk at me. As if to say, “Turn Back…Turn Back.” I keep moving because he looked like he would jump on my head if I stayed to long.

The trail splits a bit down the way from the main trail. I choose to go up because it was brighter and less scary looking. I took the downward trail on the way back because the brighter trail was spooky.

There is a feeling as you go deeper into the woods that you are not completely welcomed and you enter at your own risk.

The rooted trail feels like it will come alive and grab on to you.

The natural bridge beckons you to cross it…

Below it has a grave waiting for you slip and fall. So, you can join the others that have come before you!

The whole place is creepy…

Just getting back to the car, is an uphill battle.

The field of flowers take on new means as you race back. If you take this hike, bring a friend. If the trail chooses to take one of you, then hopeful it will be them instead of you!