Come see the Red-shouldered Hawk at Wahkeena Nature Preserve

Come see the Red-shouldered Hawk at Wahkeena Nature Preserve

Early one morning, I took my daily walk at the Wahkeena Nature Preserve!

The morning was a bit chilly but so much better then the heat of the day before. The smell in the air was then wonderful sweet fragrance that just brings a smile to your face.

The little cabin was just perfectly suited for the area. It was like stepping back in time for a moment.

A little pond was just along the walking trail with crystal clear water.

My favorite a rock wall with a build in water well.

The preserve has under 2 miles of trail but it take a long time to walk around as you have to stop and breath in the sweet smell of the flowers and trees all around you.

Plus several bridges are along the way but no water under them as I was there early fall and the water had dried up at the time.

In areas of the trail, you feel closed in the forest and looking out onto the magical lake.

The water is so clear that you almost are looking at a mirror image of the forest in front of you.

The preserve is also used to house birds that have been hurt before releasing them back into the wild or keeping them if they can’t be released into the wild. They had a Red-shouldered Hawk when I was there with all the information about the Hawk available to read.

Seeing all the different wild flowers accounts for the wonderful fragrance in the air.

One of the neatest hikes is on the water. They have a bit of trail that allows you to walk just over the water and through the water plants.

But watch out behind you as you travel through the preserve. I had a tiger following me! He only stopped when I turned around and he darted into the under growth.

Wahkeena is Native American meaning “most beautiful”! I will agree! This was one of the most beautiful places that I have been and smelled. But remember to leave your pets at home, they are not permitted in the preserve.

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