Swatara State Park,What you must have if you go!

Swatara State Park,What you must have if you go!

Swatara State Park is beautiful but without a good pair of hiking shoes, a horse, a canoe, or a bike; then you will have a hard time enjoying this park.

The park is filled with wonderful trails for mountain bikers…

The Swatara Rail Trail for hikers, bikers, and horse riders.

The trails all through the park including a water trail. But for me, the park held little appeal as my ankle was still very swollen and even just a bit of hobbling down the trail was killing me.

But if I am in the area again and healthly, I will be going back as the historical and geological items are not to be missed.

The park has the Union Canal that connected the Schuylkill and Susquehanna River back in the 1820’s which was called the Swatara Feeder. The park has seven locks, a towpath bridge, sections of the towpath, and three dams to explore.

The park also has the Waterville Bridge which was built in 1890 which was moved to the park in the 1980’s. It across the Swatara Creek to allows those hikers in the park and those hiking the Appalachian Trail to cross the creek. The bridge as unofficial named the “AT Bridge.”

The park also has an area which has the shell and skeletal matter of the Middle Devonian Period, which was 375 million year ago, can be seen. Before you go, check out the Swatara State Park Trail of Geology Guide!