Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail
Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 59 to 61 ish-Harnedsville to Confluence

Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 59 to 61 ish-Harnedsville to Confluence

Harnedsville to Confluence is a short hike of about 2 miles. It is a great little hike.

Mile 59-Traffic Tunnel, Little Red Bird, Twisted Vines, White Flower, and A Little Stream

The walk starts out at the Harnedsville Parking Area. But look behind because the picture on the heading is the Casselman River that is right behind the picture just above.

Across the street the trail starts.

The trail goes up a bit of a hill but it is not that bad.

Up above is a bit of a tunnel over a bit of traffic.

Then it is down a bit of a hill.

The trail was littered with little birds sing and racing by me. But this little one at least stopped for a moment for me to look at.

It is just a beautiful little piece of trail.

A lot of greenery every where.

With a nice little bench to relax on.

Me just relaxing on the bench.

Great twisted vines to look at during this walk.

The views twist up to the top of the trees.

A long straight away.

With just a bit of a turn to an even longer straight away.

Little white flowers are along the sides of the trail.

It opens up to an even longer straight away…

A nice little creek.

The straight away is about a mile long with the Mile 60 marker.

Mile 60-Orange Flower, White Flowers in Berry Bushes, Twisted Trees, A Bench, Rock Walls, Purple Flowers, The Trailside Cafe, and the Casselman River.

Little small fields of flowers are along the trail.

A nice long straight away just keep being straight but it has these wonderful…

twisted vines climbing trees.

The trail goes into some nice shady areas.

A few rock walls with the shady area.

A bit of a true to the right…

More vines going up trees.

A lovely little bit of trail.

A bit of grass and a turn to the right.

This trail has a lot of benches to enjoy along the way.

Lots more vines going up the trees.

Nice little purple flowers.

A bit of a factory items.

But then back to the trail.

The shade feels so nice on a hot day.

At the end of the fence…

You have these stairs which has a bike wheel grove….

which leads down to the Trailside Cafe.

This bridge has great views of the Casselman River.


This is the middle of the river which is a bit dry due to it being July.

But if you notice the rocks on the side, the river gets pretty high.

The bridge is pretty high and long.

The Mile 61 marker is just on the other side.

Mile 61-Rock Walls, Confluence Parking Area, Lucky Dog Cafe, and a little sports shop

A little valley of rock walls.

With a bit of shade.

Then a bit of trail down to the road.

At the road, you have all the sign that might make you want to cross but just follow the trail. Their is a bridge for which is part of the trail to get to the town square.

The trail follows down the road for just a bit.

A nice little sign tells you how far item are and on the other side, how far you have come.

To the left is the Lucky Dog Cafe and next to that is a nice little shop to pick up a few things but Covid19 has both closed.

Past them is a Parking for the trail, a bathroom, and I believe a camp area.