Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail
Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 54 ish to 59-Fort Hill to Harnedsville

Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail 54 ish to 59-Fort Hill to Harnedsville

The Fort Hill to Harnedsville is beautiful but has nothing exciting along the path. It does have some great views of the Casselman River at the Harnedsville marker but otherwise it is nothing special.

I did see a little baby frog or toad but he moved so fast that I did not get a picture. This is a great greenery and the Casselman River follows you like a shy lover who comes close then moves away again.

Part of Mile 54-Dried Up Mini Waterfalls, Railroad item Left Behind, Rock Walls, and Lots of Green Trees

To Cumberland

The parking area of Fort Hill which has no bathrooms.

The beginning of Fort Hill to Harnedsville.

Just a bit of a straight away with lots of greenery.

If this was any greener, then you would have to look for a leprechaun.

I can just image that this would have water as the winter ice is melting but as it is July, it would be dry but the rain storm the day before.

As the railroad left items behind, nature has made a nice flower pot.

A bit of a turn to the right. You can hear the Casselman River as you walk along which is very nice.

A dry little waterfall.

Just as green here!!! But so pretty!!!

The Casselman River in between the trees if you look closely.

Small rock walls with wonderful trees.

The trees are like a blanket of greenery over you.

The trail opens up a bit with a bit of kisses from the sunlight.

These two trees have the vines climbing up them.

The trail has so little direct sunlight that it is nice and cool.

A bit of the Casselman River through the trees.

A bit of sky can be seen for a bit.

This is a great little bench but there are so few in the section of the trail and no picnic areas.

The Mile 55 marker is just past the bench.

Mile 55-Is it a Tunnel?, Dried Up Waterfall, and A View of the Casselman River

The trail is just so beautiful and peaceful with little sunlight kissing you as you walk through.

As the turns, the Casselman River comes into view again but you can hear it as you walk through.

On a hot day, this shade is so nice. Even better with a bit of a breeze coming through.

After the turn a bit of a start a way.

The trees find you from the sun but allows it to peak through.

Ahead it looks like a tunnel is coming into view…

The vines hang on the trees or line the forest floor.

A bit of a dried up stream. This section of the trail is a spring trail.

I was so excited! A tunnel….

But just before a beautiful field with sites of the blue blue sky with a bit of cloud.

But no tunnel…

Still looks like a tunnel but…

It was actually just so many trees that so little sunlight gets to the trail.

Another bit of a straight away with a turn to the right.

A bit of a straight away with a turn to the right.

The trail just keeps doing a straight away with just a bit of a turn to the right.

The trail has just a bit more of a turn to the right…

A bit of the river can be seen better as fewer trees are blocking the view.

The Mile 56 marker.

Mile 56-A Stream, Tree Roots, Weeping Rocks, Little White Flowers, A Few Benches, and Another Stream

The trail turns a bit to the left.

A nice little valley between to little hills of greenery.

No Casselman River views for a bit but look how green everything is!!!

The trail closes you in with just the sky above.

But it opens up a bit with a little bit of clearing.

A bit of a straight a way with a bit of a bend.

A longer straight a way but nice darkness and coolness for a bit.

The sun was so bright over head.

A bit of a turn to the right that just keeps turning.

With a bit more sun light on the trail.

A nice little stream is just under this part of the trail.

This stream is wonderful to look at but the leafs are completely covering a good shot of it.

Down stream is not much better but it goes into the Casselman River. Only all those leafs are blocking the view…lol

A bit of a turn to the right.

The tree roots are exposed with the rocks falling away from them.

The wonderful trees along the trail…

Hide the rocks on the left side of the trail.

This straight away has the rocks on the left and the Casselman River on the right.

The heavy rains the night before have these rocks weeping with little drips.

Little white flowers line the way.

But as you turn the corner,

the rocks disappear as you reach the next fencing….

A few benches to sit on.

A bit of the Casselman River can be seen through the trees.

The trail leads to another stream.

The green trees are just very nice.

The steam is very pretty but it is hidden by the trees but less then the last one.

Then just this nice little straight a way.

Mostly shady with little sunlight for a bit of warmth.

The trail is just a long straight away.

The Mile 57 marker appear part way down.

Mile 57-The Casselman River, A Mossy Rock, and Tree Roots

A nice little walk in the country.

The Casselman River through the trees.

Different parts of the trail just get a bit darker with all the coverage of the trees.

But get a little warmer and brighter as it goes.

At bit of a turn but then the trail is pretty straight for a bit.

A cool mossy rock.

The Casselman River follows and it is such a nice sound as it goes by.

Straight a ways are nice because you can see what is ahead but they take the mystery of the trail away.

A bit of a turn to the left.

Then a bit more to the left.

This mile is mostly just a lot of small straight away.

The bird are chirping and sing.

They fly across the trail and bounce around on the side of the trail.

The Casselman River open up right next to the trail with view of seeing the rocks below the water.

It looks like a tunnel but just so many tree have their branches over the trail.

A Mossy Rock along the side of the trail.

With the river on the right and the forest on the left, a beautiful little forest on the left.

A few rocks in the distance.

A great look at the roots of a tree.

The trail brightens up a bit.

The Mile 58 marker.

Mile 58-Tree Roots, Rusty Rock, A Land Slide, Trees Coming Out of Rocks, and A Bridge over Casselman River

A bit of a turn to the left after a short straight away.

A bit of a straight away with a great little kiss from the sun.

A nice view of the Casselman River.

Part way down is a nice little bench.

An even better view.

A bit of a turn to the right.

An even better view.

A bit of both the trail and the river on the side with a nice straight away.

These trees are cling to the rocks as they are showing their roots to all.

The trail opens a bit into the sunshine.

A bit of a rock that looks rust along the side of the trail.

These rocks below are from a rock slide which must over been over a year old but under a five as no trees have take root in the area.

Notice the telegraph pole that is hiding in the trees. They follow the trail for most of the section.

The trees all seem to be growing sideways on this mountain…lol

The trail is cooler here as the sun’s light is drawn away from the trail by all the leafs.

Nice trees and rocks.

A bit of a turn to the left.

I love all these trees.

An nice little bench with a bit of a bend leading to a straight away.

Another straight away with a bit of a bend to the right.

The bend opens up to the bridge to Harnedsville.

The bridge is a bit long to go over the Casselman River.

The Casselman River during a rain storm.


A bit of a parking area. There is a bathroom but I would not use it. It has a broken lock and feels like it going to tip over.